Planning Commission


The use of land is guided and controlled by the policies, plans, and ordinances of the City, in accordance with state statute. The Comprehensive Plan presents the overall “big picture” for future development and illustrates how development in all areas has been planned for Isanti. In accordance with the Comprehensive Plan are the zoning and subdivision ordinances, the City of Isanti has adopted Zoning Ordinance No. 445 and Subdivision Ordinance No. 254, both of which provide specific guidelines and standards for the use and development of land within the community. Each ordinance outlines a review and approval process for the varying types of development proposals. Proposed projects or developments must meet these standards prior to establishment on a particular parcel. These standards identify whether a use is permitted, conditional, or interim; and establish the standards for the development of each type of use, to include but is not limited to, lot size and setbacks.

While some uses are considered permitted and may not require a more formal review, others require application to proceed through the development review process. The approval process for Conditional Uses, Interim Uses, Text and Map Amendments, Variances, Site Plan Reviews, Preliminary and Final Plats, and Planned Unit Developments; all require a public hearing before the Planning Commission, and final review and approval by the City Council.

This public hearing process enables and encourages citizen involvement and participation in the development review process. Citizens may comment on proposed development by:

  • Writing a letter to the Planning Commission and/or City Council
  • Speaking at any of the scheduled public meetings
  • Sending an e-mail or voice mail message to the Community Development Director (763) 444-5512
  • Faxing comments to the City at (763) 444-5560

The general process for obtaining land use approvals is as follows:

Step 1: Development Application

All parties interested in subdividing and/or developing property must process a development application consistent with Ordinance No. 445 (zoning) and / or Ordinance No. 254 (subdivision) and all other relevant City ordinances and plans. Developers and property owners must meet with city staff to informally learn what is permitted on a particular parcel of land and to present a sketch plan, if necessary. Upon learning if the proposal meets the requirements for the land use category in which the parcel is located, the developer makes a formal application to the city.  Staff members from various departments, including Administration, Planning, Building, Engineering, Public Safety, and Parks and Recreation will all review the application to ensure that the development is consistent with City ordinances and long range plans, and maintains good site design and planning principles.

Step 2: Planning Commission Public Hearing

After staff review and upon determination of a complete application, staff will schedule a public hearing on the item before the Planning Commission. Prior to the Planning Commission meeting, the City will publish a notice of public hearing in the paper as well as provide a hearing notice to property owners within 350 feet of the proposed development. This provides citizens with an opportunity to obtain information about the application(s), make inquiries regarding the proposal, participate in meetings, and provide their comments and concerns to the Commission members. The Commission’s responsibility is to consider the legal rights of the property owner to develop his or her property, the best interests of the City as a whole, public comments, and staff comments. Based upon their findings, the Commission makes a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or denial to the City Council.

Step 3: City Council Final Review

With the benefit of the Planning Commission’s recommendation, the City Council considers the public testimony provided at the public hearing, reviews the application materials and staff reports, and renders a final decision on the request.  If the City Council approves the proposal, the developer can begin to obtain the necessary permits for construction, providing all conditions of the approval have been met.

Questions regarding the review process should be directed to the Community Development Director at (763) 444-5512.

Board Members

Name Title
Jimmy Gordon Chair- Appointed 1-2-2024; Term Expiration 12-31-2024 (1-Year Term)
Steve Lundeen Appointed 1-9-2023; Term Expiration 12-31-2024 (1-Year Term)
Alexander Collins Appointed 12-6-2022; Term Expiration 12-31-2024 (3-Year Term)
Luke Merrill Vice Chair- Appointed 1-2-2024; Term Expiration 12-31-2024 (1-Year Term)
Arissya Simon Appointed 1-9-2023; Term Expiration 12-31-2026 (3-Year Term)
George Hemen Appointed 1-2-2024; Term Expiration 12-31-2024 (1-Year Term)
Jeff Holmgren Appointed 1-2-2024; Term Expiration 11-05-2024 (1-Year Term)